Sunday, February 27, 2011

aLreAdY SuCh a JoKe

So Tara and I both decided that we were going to make blogs today, right? We started this morning before church and its now 8:00 PM and the longer we spend on this crazy thing, the more confused we get! It took me 10 freaking minutes to find my way back to my home page on this thing and when I finally got there, I couldn't get back to my blog page. Just when I thought I kind of had the hang of it, I somehow managed to become my own follower..whatever that even means!! (Feel free at anytime to post helpful tips, such as how to unfollow yourself because I havent managed it yet..) Out.of.control. In the meantime, Tara's lab top is dying and she is frantically trying to get it plugged in. Two minutes later, we are somehow both getting strangled by her cord. Its now time for ward prayer and both of us have our faces glued to these crazy blogs!! The madness has begun!


  1. Haha! FINALLY!!!! I miss you & am excited to read more!

  2. It looks like you figures out the template thing...good job! its adorable!!!!

  3. I can't figure my blog out either. Getting pictures AND text to cooperate with me in one dang near defeats me every time. My friend Melissa says she loves reading it, so she bugs me to post something all the time. If it wasn't so frustrating I might do it more often.
