Sunday, February 27, 2011

I never thought this would happen...

So this is my first EVER blog post..thing.. which  I NEVER thought would happen. I seriously have no idea what I'm doing, hence the title of this blog, but I hope that that will soon change as my knowledge of the "blog world" increases. I guess the main reason why I decided to start a blog is because my life is kind of ridiculous.(This may become a future blog title..has a nice ring to it:) I wanted a way to quickly and efficiently share all the random things that happen in my life and a blog seemed to fit the mold. I'm ter.ri.ble. at keeping a journal and I hope that this will cure that problem to some degree. Wish me luck and stay tuned for some ridiculous real life stories :)


  1. AWE.SOME. Love it! We don't keep a blog anymore, though we should, for many of the same reasons you list!!! It's super cute. can't wait to see your posts!!

